Fun, Stress-Free Games Seniors Can Play with Their Dogs

Dogs are not just excellent pets; they can also be supportive companions. Their exuberant spirit and joyful energy can keep you active and amused. How fun it is to see their goofy smiles, excited sprints, and happy tail wags! Having them around is rewarding — after all, who doesn’t like a good lick or a warm cuddle after some fun playtime?
Bond with your dogs with these fun, stress-free games. These activities don’t require much stamina or moving around, but are great pastimes for you and your pet to bond and stay active.
Hide and Seek
This game requires ample space for you and your dog to explore and hide, a handful of treats, and two or more players. Let one of the players hold the dog while another hides. Count to ten—or longer, depending on how much hiding time one prefers. When finished counting, it’s time to release the dog, and start looking for the hiding player.
If the dog isn’t the best at searching for people — they can’t all be bloodhounds, after all — the person hiding can try stashing a few treats in their pocket. Let your dog sniff it out!
If there’s a small crowd present, try having one person hold the dog while everyone goes to hide. The person who is found last is the winner!
Your dog doesn’t have to do it alone. You can try working together, with you leading them to where the next treat is hiding. This makes a fun bonding experience for everyone!
Fetch is a classic game that you and your dog will surely enjoy. Find a tennis ball or toy the dog loves to play with and head to an open space. A tennis ball is a good choice for everyone because they travel far without needing a solid arm for the throw. This game can also be repeated as many times as you want.
If the dog has a lot of boundless energy, consider using a ball launcher. This inexpensive tool can massively extend the reach of your throw.
You don’t have to stay on your feet for this activity! Pull up a chair, sit down, and watch the dog fetch the ball! It also doesn’t hurt to give your dog a few pets and cuddles when they get it right.
Play in the Yard
An open yard promises many possibilities for games and fun, especially for your dog. Just setting them free in spaces with grass gives your pet so much pleasure; watch your dog tumble around and run freely on its own. You can join in, too! With an open space, lots of doggy toys, and a variety of treats to use as rewards, playing in the yard is another effortless game both dogs and owners can enjoy.
Scatter a few favorite toys around the yard. The dog can find them, sniff them from under the hedges, and play with them. This will turn into a fun hunt! If the dog isn’t much of a digger, hide treats in out-of-the-way places. Just make sure they aren’t next to your favorite plants!
Most dogs are happy to entertain themselves in the yard. They’ll enjoy exploring the space, lying under the sun, watching the passing cars, and observing everything happening in their energetic, curious manner. Take a chair, bask in the gentle daylight, and observe the goings-on with your dog. Giving them a pet, or taking a nap outdoors gives both of you a serene, tender moment together.
Get the Grandkids Involved
It’s always fun to get the grandkids involved, especially when playing with a dog. You and your pooch will still have fun playing games with just the two of you, but with grandkids around, there’s someone to keep the dog entertained if you want to take a little break. Plus, watching grandkids play is a guaranteed smile.
This supervised playtime is also an excellent opportunity to teach kids how to play safely with animals. By directing the games, even younger kids can discover how to engage appropriately, when to pull back, and how to keep everyone happy! Of course, it’s much more fun when treats are on hand to reward their good behavior. This can also increase the bond between the dog and the grandkids.
Let the grandkids lead the games and see where their imagination takes them. A dog in a yard can become a whole world of adventure, and by the end of playtime, everyone will be ready for a good rest.
Final Thoughts
Dogs are fun companions, but they require a lot of movement. However, keeping them active does not have to be stressful. With these games, dogs get to move around and put their minds and bodies to the test without overwhelming their owners. If your dog appears to have boundless energy even after trying the less stressful games outlined above, let the grandkids join in on the fun! The two are almost guaranteed to wear each other out, making for happy parents.
If all else fails, bringing a pooch out to play with other dogs is always a sure win. Seniors living at The Moorings at Lewes can take advantage of our on-site dog park and bond with others while their dog burns off energy. Contact us for more information.