Seniors and Technology

Technology is constantly evolving. And, it’s understandable that seniors may become frustrated trying to keep up with advancements in technology. While this may be the case, these advancements can also assist seniors in maintaining a simpler and more fulfilled life. From safety to entertainment, apps and devices offer additional tools that can influence their lives for the better. Keep reading to learn a few benefits of technology for seniors.
How Do Older Adults Benefit From Technology?
Mental Stimulation: While we don’t encourage spending too much time scrolling through social media platforms or watching reality TV, there are plenty of ways to leverage technology to give your brain a workout. Games that increase mental stimulation, like Tetris and Trivial Pursuit, can be downloaded and played on electronic devices. Plus, the world wide web is a treasure trove of information – all you have to do is type into a search engine and learn anything you want to know about a variety of topics (keeping in mind, of course, to focus on reliable sources – don’t believe everything you read online).
Decreased Risk of Isolation: While no technology can replace face-to-face interaction, it does make it easier to stay close with family and friends. Being able to stay social through the use of video chat services or social media channels can increase socialization and connections to others, especially for those with family members who live far away.
Medical Information Management: Using technology to leverage your medical literacy is extremely beneficial to your health. With the increase of electronic medical record use, it’s much easier to keep track of health information such as medication usage and a schedule of appointments. Ask your medical provider if there is an app or online portal that allows you to log on and have access to your records.
Safety: One life-changing use of technology is safety. Advancements like security devices and personal monitoring devices can give you peace of mind and knowledge that your safety is a priority. Plus, having a cell phone allows you to call for help with the push of a button should something happen that threatens your safety.
Technology Use at The Moorings at Lewes Benefits Our Residents
At The Moorings at Lewes, we take advantage of technology to help offer benefits to our residents. We encourage technology use through Touchtown, our resident engagement technology. This innovative programming allows all residents to stay connected to the happenings within the community. Whether it be through TVs in each room, an app on their phone or even using an Alexa device, each person is able to learn about the activities planned for the day. Simply by increasing communication through technology, resident engagement at our community has grown.
Contact us today to learn more about the offerings in our community.