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Lifelong Learner? Here’s How Seniors Can Get Access to University of Delaware Courses

Senior woman in class

Aging with grace means nurturing your overall well-being—not just your physical health, but also your intellectual, emotional, and social needs. You may be surprised to realize that even your vocational wellness still factors into your well-being as a retiree, although as you age, it may involve hobbies or volunteering rather than a traditional working role.

For many seniors, lifelong learning is a practical and enjoyable way to support multiple dimensions of wellness. 

Lifelong learning encompasses many forms of growth and personal development, such as learning to use new technology, acquiring a skill, or exploring a topic that interests you. You can find lifelong learning opportunities in countless places across southern Delaware, including community organizations, programming at your senior living community, and even free online courses for seniors.


How Lifelong Learning Promotes Healthy Aging

One of the most obvious benefits of lifelong learning for seniors is the impact on your intellectual and cognitive well-being. Regularly engaging your brain in thought-provoking activity helps keep you sharp. Some research even suggests lifelong learning may play a role in reducing the onset of dementia.

However, lifelong learning can help you satisfy other important dimensions of well-being like your emotional and social needs. Learning new things and exploring personal interests are natural mood boosters. The confidence and sense of accomplishment that come with new knowledge can improve your emotional wellness, as does the pleasure of focusing your attention on topics that capture your personal interest.

Vocational wellness is a struggle for many seniors once their family-rearing days have passed and their career winds to an end. Lifelong learning gives you something productive and meaningful to do with your time so you can discover a new sense of purpose in this stage of life. 

Lifelong learning can also promote social engagement—even if you engage in classes online. Unlike courses you may have taken in your younger years, lifelong learning classes are filled with peers who choose to be there because of a personal interest, which can be the basis for some wonderful friendships.


A Cooperative Approach to Lifelong Learning

You may already think of Lewes as an ideal retirement community, but the miles of beaches, picturesque scenery, and plentiful shopping and dining options are only part of the appeal. The area’s rich history and numerous studios, museums, and educational resources give locals myriad opportunities to enjoy expanding their minds. One notable example is the University of Delaware’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), an innovative education cooperative that promotes learning among seniors in southern Delaware.

OLLI’s partnership with The Moorings at Lewes means our residents have easy access to the cooperative’s programming, where they can take advantage of intellectual and social interaction while learning for fun or enrichment.

The cooperative provides an avenue for older adults (ages 50 and up) to enjoy lifelong learning classes, teach, exchange ideas, and travel together. The only requirement for participation is an interest in learning. No prerequisites are necessary, and learners with a wide range of academic backgrounds are welcome. That means you can find content to enjoy whether your formal education ended with high school or you hold advanced degrees.

Members have the ability to teach, learn, or both, with the option to register for as many classes as you like. The cooperative also relies on volunteers to organize trips and lead a series of planning committees.

Courses range from the hands-on instruction of “Stained Glass Fundamentals” to the lecture and discussion format of “World War II in the Pacific” and the hands-on approach of “Smartphones and Their Applications.” Many courses are offered in person, including some within The Moorings community and others at nearby locations like the Lewes Public Library. An online schedule offers added flexibility so you can learn from the comfort of your apartment or cottage.


Make Learning a Way of Life

Residents at The Moorings at Lewes enjoy an enriching retirement lifestyle filled with robust learning opportunities, thanks to our relationship with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and a unique collection of amenities that invite curiosity and engagement. Contact us to learn more about our award-winning senior wellness program and the living options you’ll find at our senior living community near the Delaware shore.

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